B’dizital has following digital products offered as e-tools
for its growing digital clients.
B’dizital offers this as free
e-tools, to enhance its service offerings in Digital Customer Services.
B’dizital offers
free Digital Products to offer consistent Digital Customer Services. These solutions are:-
Live Chat Solutions
Click to Call Solutions
Feedback Solutions
B’dizital’s global live chat solution gives unique
digital experience to all your web-visitors. In this
automated world we offer amazing digital customer service experience, with our
free Live Chat Solutions the ability to chat with a live person through a
website is a standout feature.
B’dizital’s offerings which enhances customer experience on website through chat platforms and call platforms.
Bringing these two platforms together on
website offers unified customer experience which is a unique experience for most of our clients.
B’dizital’s real-time web application improves web experience of visitor, we help
you identify web visitors needs and proactively suggest customized
recommendations and / or plug in a customer services representative through a
chat, email or call.
We has enabled
new channels of digital customer service such as chat, click to call back and
feedback for all online service providers or anyone using Internet.
We at B’dizital not only
offer Live Chat Solutions we also provide back office support services
to websites by providing a human touch through Click-to-call options through our trained and specialed Chat Agents
and Customer Service Agents who acts as a dedicated Virtual Representative of
Click-to-call, will have following options click-to-talk, click-to-call back and click-to-chat,
is a form of Web-based communication in which a person clicks an object (e.g.,
button, image or text) to request an immediate connection with another person
in real-time either by phone call (click-to-talk),
messaging to call back (click-to-call
back)or text (click-to-chat)
with following objectives:-
a. Reach beyond static webpage to make a positive personal impression on website visitors.
b. Live Chat and Voice based 24/7 Support trained
Customer Service Agents.
c. Cultivate leads and increase
d. Provide Customer Back-office
e. By being a Virtual Representative
of Companies.
and Hospitality